Neuromodulation: the accommodation of motivational changes in behavior

Quiz Content

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. The following statements are related to motivation. Which ones are correct? Please select all that apply.

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. In the knifefish Eigenmannia, the structural correlate of input to the pacemaker nucleus can be identified through neuronal tract tracing, involving application of an anterograde tracer to this nucleus.

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. Which of the following statements does not describe correctly the structure, dynamics, and function of the spinal nucleus of the bulbocavernosus of white-footed mice?

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. Structural reorganization of neural networks is limited to neurons and does not involve glial cells.

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. The following statements refer to polymorphic networks. Which statement is not correct?

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. Which of the following properties make catecholamines and neuropeptides well suited as neuromodulators to mediate motivational changes in behavior? Please select all that apply.

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