Large-scale navigation: migration and homing

Quiz Content

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. Which of the following approaches has not aided the elucidation of migratory routes in animals?

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. All migratory birds use identical routes to travel to their wintering grounds and to return to their summer ranges.

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. In some species of migratory animals, the annual migratory cycle is not completed by one individual but instead by several generations.

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. Which of the following factors have been implicated in diurnal migratory birds to determine the migratory routes? Please select all that apply.

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. A migratory bird orients preferentially north during migratory restlessness. The biological clock of this bird is then shifted such that day begins and ends six hours later than the natural day. What will be the preferential direction of orientation immediately after this experimental manipulation when the bird is exposed to natural-day conditions?

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. The following statements concern the relationship between magnetoreception and navigation in homing and migratory birds. Which are correct? Please select all that apply.

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. Salmon use olfactory information for homing. Which of the following statements related to this phenomenon is correct?

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. During the upstream migration stage, virtually all salmon successfully return to their natal site.

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