Elements of Sociology 4e, Practice Quiz: Chapter 04

Quiz Content

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. Which term refers to the social learning that occurs later in an individual's life?

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. An individual's primary socialization occurs predominantly in the context of the family, which makes family which of the following?

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. Which of the following approaches represents the nurture side of the nature versus nurture debate?

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. Which of the following theorists coined the term "law of effect"?

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. Which element of Freud's personality model represents our innate, unconscious desires?

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. According to Dennis Wrong, human beings do not passively absorb socializing messages, but at times resist them, because they have which of the following?

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. As defined by George Herbert Mead, which term refers to the socializing agent that represents the attitudes, viewpoints, and general expectations of the society?

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. According to George Herbert Mead's model of socialization, in which stage does a child learns to simultaneously consider the perspective of several roles?

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. A hazing ritual that typically involves ritual humiliation of rookie members by veterans is discussed in your textbook as a form of which of the following?

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. Which of the following is an example of a total institution?

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. The element that represents internalized societal norms in Freund's personality model is called ego.

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. A university graduation ceremony is a good example of a rite of passage.

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. According to Edward Thorndike, positive sanctions reinforce desired behaviours.

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. David Elkind argued that today's children have fewer scheduled activities and therefore have more time to play freely.

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. According to Charles Horton Cooley, an individual's self develops in relation to other members of society.

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. Freud referred to human's love drive as "thanatos."

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. Peer pressure is socialization in action.

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. A court trial is a good example of a degradation ceremony.

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. Behaviourists claim that the greater part of who we are is determined by our roughly 26,000 genes.

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. George Herbert Mead coined the term "looking-glass self" to describe how the self develops.

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