Mind and Body

Quiz Content

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. The connectionist claims that the mechanical and physical interactions that occur in the brain determine the types of behavior that computers are capable of processing.

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. Descartes said there were two types of substances: mind or mental substance and body or physical substance.

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. Ryle believed that it was a mistake to think that "the mind" and its events were some strange and mysteriously private sort of thing behind our behavior when, in fact, the mind was the pattern of our behavior and not "behind" behavior at all.

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. J. J. C. Smart argued that the identity theory was false because it was incompatible with modern science.

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. Freud claimed that everything mental was knowable and therefore that surely everything "in the mind" could be described incorrigibly.

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. Thomas Nagel argued that it was consciousness that made the mind–body problem so "intractable."

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. Functionalism is the view that minds are produced by the relations between parts not particular kinds of material.

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. Merleau-Ponty believed that there should be a sharp distinction between mind and body.

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. Philosophers refer to the ability of knowing one's own mind by simply paying attention as Privileged access.

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. Freud's concept of the unconscious considers all thoughts that we are aware of at the moment and know everything about.

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. Behaviorism is the idea that __________.

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. The key to Ryle's analysis is __________.

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. Descartes was a __________.

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. The quote below belongs to__________ .
"Since brains do produce minds, and since programs by themselves can't produce minds, it follows that the way the brain does it can't be by simply instantiating a computer program."

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. If you believe that Data, the android on the TV show Star Trek, is sentient and conscious, even though his "brain" is made out of silicon and metal, then you would be a(n) __________.

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. Incorrigibility is the term philosophers, especially Descartes, have given to __________.

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. How did Freud's concept of the "unconscious" raise doubts about Descartes's claim that whatever is mental can be described as incorrigible?

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. Intentionality may be defined as __________.

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. Elizabeth V. Spelman uses __________ hierarchical account of the relationship between mind and body to illustrate how the problem of mind and body can impact other philosophical views.

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. When Aristotle wrote about the soul, he was referring to __________.

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. According to Galen Strawson, consciousness consists of two elements, __________.

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. __________ warns us not to slide form distinguishing between mind and body to formulating dubious views about the inferiority of some groups of people relative to others.

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. The notion that a mind can be instantiated in anything that functions like a brain is called __________.

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. According to Ryle, it is a necessary feature of whatever has physical existence that it is in __________.

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. Husserl's conception of consciousness depends on __________.

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. __________, in all forms, becomes nonsense in one's own case when one is trying to understand and talk about one's own mental states.

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. __________.believed that with our increasing knowledge of neurology, our ordinary language would be seriously revised.

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. In reference to the "contents" of consciousness philosopher William James developed this popular phrase, __________.

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. For __________, mental events and physical events were different aspects of the same "something," in his case, the same substance.

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