Chapter 17 Quiz B with Explanations

Quiz Content

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. Which religion became prevalent in the sahel, savanna, and Indian Ocean coastal regions of Africa after the seventh century C.E.?

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. How were ironmongers seen in West African society?

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. What was the major source of conflict among West Africans?

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. What was the source of labor in most West African gold mines?

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. What was the most common political formation in West Africa during the period from 700 to 1500 C.E.?

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. The Songhai Empire was conquered in the late sixteenth century by armed forces from

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. How were Yoruba political leaders like those of pre-Columbian states in the Americas?

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. How did the introduction of bananas into West Central Africa before 1000 B.C.E. affect farming?

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. Scholars have found some evidence that women in early modern West Central Africa participated in

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. In which way was Portuguese enslavement of Africans in the fifteenth century different from Africans enslavement of fellow Africans?

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. What Portuguese practice led to the establishment of mixed communities in Africa?

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. What was a major detriment to Portuguese missionary activity in West and West Central Africa?

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. What contributed to the fall of the Kongo kingdom in 1569?

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. Where did the Portuguese slave trade have its greatest impact on the local population during the early modern period?

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. Which ruler of the Ndongo kingdom competed with the Imbangala to supply slaves to the Portuguese in the mid-seventeenth century?

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. What accelerated the demand for slaves in the Americas after the mid-seventeenth century?

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. The Atlantic slave trade, which lasted from the fifteenth to eighteenth centuries, resulted in the forced migration of how many Africans?

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. What is a difference between Pygmy and Bantu rituals?

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. What impact did the introduction of American food products have on the Pygmies of the Congo rain forest?

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