A Global Context

The economic and political alliance of most European countries.

An indicator used to describe and measure the number of distinct plant and animal species in a given geographical area.

The growing political cooperation between states and their greater use of transnational organizations and global nongovernment organizations.

The global exchange of plants and animals unique to either the Old World or the New World.

A measure of the number of individuals below 14 and over 65 when compared to the total working aged population.

A storm arising over warm sea water that produces heavy rainfall and punishing winds The terms 'hurricane' and 'cyclone' are also used.

Adapting to the challenges of climate change.

A rapid increase in the number of people between the ages of 15 and 24.

A gas produced from the burning of carbon. The increasing amount in the atmosphere is responsible for climate change.

Occurs when birth rates fall to a point that requires less investment in the very young, but before more investment is required on the elderly, and results in the relative and absolute increase of younger, more productive workers.

Attempts to reduce climate change

A seasonal wind in South East Asia that blows from land to sea in October to May (dry monsoon ) and from sea to land on May to September bringing rain (wet monsoon).

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