North America

A trade union between Canada, Mexico and the USA.

An organization whose members include Canada, Denmark, Finland, Iceland Norway, Russia, Sweden, and the USA, which provides a forum for negotiations regarding the rights of sovereignty over areas of the North Pole.

A country in which the city and the state are essentially one and the same.

The principle of political or commercial cooperation between the US and the countries of South America, as well as those in Central America and the Caribbean.

A former industrial site affected by environmental contamination.

The region of the North East and Midwest associated with declining manufacturing sector. Also sometimes known as the Frostbelt.

The 750-mile active zone between he Pacific and North American plates that runs from San Francisco down to southern California.

Rapid growth of algae in lakes often due to the amount of run off high in phosphates and nitrogen from farms and lawns.

Economies that heavily dependent on the exploitation of primary commodities such as oil and gas.

A straight linedm heavy wind storm that can develop and move quickly.

The region stretching from California to Florida associates with arm weather, bright sunshine and economic growth.

The movement that occurred between 1916 and 1970 of almost 6 million Africa Americans from the Deep South to cities in the North and West of the USA.

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