Australasia and Oceania

A seasonal wind in South East Asia that blows from land to sea in October to May (dry monsoon ) and from sea to land on May to September bringing rain (wet monsoon).

A highly infectious and fatal disease that affects rabbits. Introduced into Australia in 1959 to control the rapidly growing rabbit population.

Suggests a long history of cultural interaction between Southeast Asia, Melanesians and Polynesians in the settling of the Pacific.

Currency from another country.

A system of labor camps maintained in the Soviet Union in the early to mid 20th century.

Suggests a a recent and rapid expansion of Polynesian ancestors from Asia/Taiwan via coastal and island Melanesia, in the settling of the Pacific.

The theory that the settling of Polynesia started around 8000 BCE.

A city that is the largest in the country and is the center of economic and political life.

An area of volcanic activity. Not caused by plate tectonics but by plumes from the mantle.

In general refers to any society dominated by settlers from elsewhere. More specifically refers to societies such as the Australia, Canada, and US that were populated by settlers form Europe.

The amount of greenhouse gases produced for any given person, entity or practice.

An arc tectonic activity, including volcanoes and earthquakes, caused by the movement of tectonic plates that surround the Pacific Ocean.

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