Rosenthal Chapter 13 Matching Self-quiz

Rosenthal Chapter 13 Matching Self-quiz

Match the condition to the disorder

I (gasp) can’t (gasp) breathe (gasp) everything (gasp) black (gasp) I (gasp) think (gasp) I’m having (gasp) a heart attack (gasp) can’t (gasp) finish (gasp) the test (gasp gasp gasp)

Why do you want to know? You want control into my brain, don’t you? What? I heard that! The mole people are trying to cheat off my paper again, because I am the reincarnation of Albert Einstein.

I suck. I’m stupid and I should have studied more but what would be the point because I would do a bad job anyway because I can’t do anything right.

I still haven’t recovered from the last test. I haven’t wanted to leave my house and I have nightmares that you’re going to ask me more questions about ionotropic and metabotropic receptors

I hope I do OK on this test. But what if I don’t?  What if I think I know what I’m talking about but I really don’t and what if I get this ALL WRONG and I get thrown out of school and they call the newspaper because I’ve been elected the dumbest person in the universe and I’ll never get another job again and I will die alone in a gutter! Oh nooooooo!

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