The Ethics of Artifacts

Quiz Content

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. President John F. Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas on November 20, 1963. According to defenders of the common sense view, he was killed by

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. The invention of the telephone to help hard of hearing people might be used as an example of

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. Robert Moses is said to have designed bridges with low overpasses

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. On Winner's view, technological artifacts come to

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. The French sociologist Bruno Latour asks us to consider an example in which "the driver modifies his behavior through the mediation of the speed bump: he falls back from morality to force … on the campus road there now resides a new actant that slows down cars." This quote can be used to exemplify the

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. Which of the following might be an objection to Winner's view?

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. Which of the following views technology and humans as forming hybrid agents?

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. The Chinese government banned Google search engines so as to

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. Martin Heidegger argues that "an airliner … stands on the taxi strip only as standing-reserve, inasmuch as it is ordered to insure the possibility of transportation." Which of the following is the most plausible interpretation of his claim?

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. Illies and Meijers think engineering is special because engineers

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