Persuasive Messages

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1. Why is it important to understand what motivates your reader when writing a persuasive message?

By anticipating what motivates your reader and appealing to this, the chances of achieving success are higher.

2. What three persuasive appeals can be used to persuade your audience?

Appeals to reason, emotion, and ethics can be used in persuasive messages. These appeals can be used singly or in combination.

3. Why is a logical appeal often effective for business people?

An appeal to reason is often effective because people in business are able to justify a decision based on facts, expert opinions, statistics, examples, etc.

4. How can you effectively minimize resistance to your requests?

By anticipating the reader’s reaction to your request and acknowledging his or her opinion, you are showing that you understand the reader’s position. This often helps minimize resistance. By predicting what the reader’s objections might be, you can incorporate clear and compelling counter-arguments that refute them into your message.

5. When sending a claim request, how can you convince the reader that you have a valid claim?

When sending a claim request, you need to describe the problem in a calm, logical manner and provide documentation showing what you have done to solve the problem up until now. Also, explain what has happened and when. Supply as many relevant details as possible (such as part numbers or product codes) so that the reader clearly understands your problem. State what you expect the company to do for you.

6. How do sales messages differ from average business messages?

Sales messages promote a product or service and are typically longer than average business letters because they include details to make a reader want the product or service.

7. What are the four steps to writing a sales letter?

Sales letters gain attention, introduce the product, make the product desirable, and ask for action while making responding simple.

8. What are the four elements of a fundraising letter?

The four elements of a fundraising letter are identifying an important problem, showing that the problem is solvable, explaining what your organization is doing to solve the problem, and asking for a donation.

9. What techniques can be used to persuade social media audiences?

The following techniques can be used for social media persuasion: reciprocation, social proof, liking, authority, and scarcity.

10. How do organizations use social media influencers to persuade potential customers?

Social media influencers are third-party endorsers who have relationships with specific, large online audiences. Organizations seek them out to attract them to products and services that they will promote to their followers.

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