Business Style: Sentences and Paragraphs

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1. What are three ways to improve sentence variety and length?

Strategies to improve sentence variety and length include varying the rhythm by using short and long sentences; turning a clause into a prepositional or participial phrase; turning an independent clause into a relative clause; and converting a sentence defining or describing something into an appositive.

2. Is the following sentence an open or closed sentence?
“Did Jashandeep perform the task well?”

“Did Jashandeep perform the task well?” is a closed question because it can be answered by a single word.

3. Which of the following sentences is written in parallel form?
a) We have ordered nails, packing tape, and we got paper.
b) We ordered nails, we got packing tape, and paper.
c) We ordered nails, packing tape, and paper.

Sentence C (We ordered nails, packing tape, and paper) is written in parallel form.

4. What are some ways that you can emphasize points in a written message?

Some ways of emphasizing points in a written message are to use eye-catching mechanical devices, punctuation, and formatting; and to use style, such as placement, sentence length and structure, and word choice.

5. How can unpleasant information be de-emphasized?

Writers can de-emphasize information by using complex sentences to put the bad news in the opening subordinate clause and the better news in the following independent clause; and by embedding unpleasant facts in the middle of a sentence or paragraph.

6. Which sentence is written in the active voice?
a) Amanpreet chaired the meeting.
b) The meeting was chaired by Amanpreet.

Sentence A (Amanpreet chaired the meeting) is written in the active voice.

7. What advantages does writing in the active voice offer?

The active voice is energetic, forceful, and direct.

8. When is it appropriate to use passive voice?

The passive voice is appropriate to conceal the doer of an action when that information is unimportant, unknown, or harmful; to de-emphasize negative news; to show tact and sensitivity; to reduce intrusive first-person pronouns; and to maintain consistency or avoid awkward shifts in focus.

9. What is wrong with the following sentence?
“The cat sat beside me drinking coffee.”

The sentence has a modifier error, making it sound as though the cat were drinking the coffee.

10. How long should paragraphs be in business writing?

Paragraphs do not have a specific length. In business writing, paragraphs are usually short to promote readability.

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