Business Style: Word Choice, Conciseness, and Tone

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1. What are three principles of plain style writing?

Plain style principles include using common, everyday words, except for necessary technical terms; using reasonable sentence lengths; using the active voice and phrasal verbs; using personal pronouns (I, you, and we); using unambiguous language; and placing the subject as close as possible to the verb.

2. Which of the following phrases represents clear writing with a conversational tone?
a) The company would be happy to reimburse you for any out-of-pocket expenses, providing proper documentation is available upon submission of said documents.
b) As long as all receipts are provided and purchases are recorded, you will be reimbursed for expenses.
c) Hand in your receipts so you can get your money.

Option B (As long as all receipts are provided and purchases are recorded, you will be reimbursed for expenses) represents clear writing with a business conversational tone.

3. What are three ways to achieve conciseness?

Ways to achieve conciseness include eliminating long lead-ins; revising noun conversions; eliminating redundancies; eliminating or revising empty words and phrases; using strong verbs; revising wordy prepositional phrases; eliminating fillers; shortening multiple that/which/who clauses; and combining shorter sentences.

4. Why is tone important in business writing?

Tone is important in business writing because it conveys your attitude toward the reader and the subject matter.

5. What is denotation and connotation?

Denotation is a word’s dictionary meaning; connotation is the emotional response to a word.

6. What is the difference between personal and impersonal style?

Personal style uses short sentences, personal pronouns, first names, and the active voice. Impersonal style is characterized by a mix of sentence lengths, no personal pronouns, no first names, and includes the use of the passive voice.

7. Why is it important to stress reader benefits?

It is important to stress reader benefits so readers can see how the information concerns them and how they stand to benefit from it.

8. What are three aspects of inclusive language?

Three aspects of inclusive language are don’t make discriminatory comments, use only gender-neutral job titles and salutations, and use gender-neutral pronouns.

9. Why should the salutation “Dear Sirs” be avoided?

“Dear Sirs” is a sexist salutation suggesting gender bias.

10. How can a writer develop a confident tone?

A confident tone can be developed by using definite and forward-looking language; avoiding unnecessary apologies; using strong, assertive phrasing; being knowledgeable and in-formative; and guarding against overconfidence.

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