Social Media and Mobile Communications

Click on each question to check your answer.

1. What is content marketing?

Content marketing is a marketing strategy that involves companies providing information that will be interesting to their target audience.

2. What types of posts are most often used by bloggers?

See Figure 14.2. The most common types of blog posts are instructional posts, cheat sheets, media posts, spotlight posts, news posts, and newsjacking posts. Bloggers should choose the type that will work best for their content and audience.

3. What best practices should bloggers follow?

Bloggers should write consistently, identify a niche, optimize keywords, determine the best post type for the audience, treat posts like articles, be credible and authoritative, be authentic, incorporate media like images and videos, invite interaction, and be familiar with competitors’ blogs.

4. What guidelines should you consider when establishing a Twitter account for your organization?

To optimize Twitter for your organization, you should have a professional image and content; maintain a conversational tone and ask questions; determine if tweets, replies, mentions, direct mentions, or retweets are appropriate; choose content and followers carefully; include photos and links, and videos; insert a hashtag (#) symbol in front of key phrases for increased search and joining ease; direct traffic to your website; connect with local users; and pace the timing of your tweets.

5. What should you consider to create effective podcasts?

To create good podcasts, you should follow a loose script to sound polished yet natural and experiment with different delivery styles to develop an appropriate brand personality. Try to include others in your podcast and seek engagement from social media followers. Make sure the apps you use provide professional quality.

6. What is UGC and how can it be used by organizations?

UGC stands for user-generated content, which is material that individual consumers create and share. Organizations can implement UGC campaigns seeking consumer-sharing in order to increase customer engagement. The material provided may also be repurposed for marketing campaigns.

7. What social media risks do organizations need to be aware of?

Corporate struggles with social media include time theft; negative comments; information leaks; damage to brand reputation; outdated information; use of personal social media by corporate executives; corporate identity theft; fraud; and legal, regulatory, and compliance violations.

8. What privacy issues do users need to consider in using social media?

Individuals and organizations need to recognize Facebook and Twitter are not private. Employers can check Facebook profiles of employees and job applicants, so it’s important to consider your online identity and profile and the image you want to create. Posts and comments have longevity and remain searchable.

9. How can you measure your success with social media tools?

Social media analytics are used to measure social media success. Popular measurement tools include Google Analytics, Hootsuite, and HowSociable. With them, organizations can track changes in the number of followers/friends, the sharing of content among users or the number of one-on-one engagements, the conversion from social media consumers to paying customers, and consumer feedback about competitors.

10. What should you consider when writing messages that will be read on mobile devices?

When designing messages for mobile users, messages need to be short and specific, with the most important information placed at the beginning. It’s important to make the reading easy by ensuring scrolling or zooming aren’t required; otherwise, the message isn’t given attention or it isn’t remembered.

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