Web links

Statutes and cases

Links to Statutes

OPSI web site for statutes and statutory instruments from 1987 onwards www.legislation.gov.uk

Links to Cases

Eurolaw website: Euro Lex web site for EU law eur-lex.europa.eu/en/index.htm

Supreme Court: for decided cases in the Supreme Court as well as a link to House of Lords judgments since 14th November 1996 www.supremecourt.uk/decided-cases/

BAILII website: provides access to cases from the UK and many other jurisdictions www.bailii.org

The Daily Law Notes: a free 24 hour service bringing the most important updates from the Supreme Court, the Privy Council, the Court of Appeal and all divisions of the High Court. Reports of cases are summarised and are not the full text which will appear later in the Weekly Law Reports or elsewhere. But the site may be useful for key aspects of a judgment immediately after it is handed down www.iclr.co.uk

Other useful case sites

Students at many universities are able to sign up for an account which will enable them to view many online case databases for free. Many such as Westlaw, HeinOnline, Lexis®Library and I-Law will require passwords which may be supplied by the university. Ask your university library service for details.

Other online legal resources

Law Commission: 

Annual Reports, Consultation Papers, Reports, Law under Review www.lawcom.gov.uk

Bills currently before Parliament:


Cardiff Index to Legal Abbreviations:

 Covers over 7000 abbreviations for English language legal publications from the UK and Commonwealth www.legalabbrevs.cardiff.ac.uk

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