Biochemistry: An Introduction

Quiz Content

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. Unlike eukaryotic life forms, eukaryotes:

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. Examples of macromolecules include:

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. Viruses differ from prokaryotes and eukaryotes in this respect:

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. When compared to fatty acids, nucleic acids, and carbohydrates, proteins are found to contain more:

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. The most important function of DNA in prokaryotes and eukaryotes is:

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. Passage of information from DNA to RNA is known as:

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. The B central dogmaB states that information always passes from DNA to RNA except:

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. Biochemical catalysts are called:

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. During catabolism:

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. Cell division and the movement of organelles within cells depend on a framework of protein filaments called:

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. Although most mutations are silent, some may actually help the organisms by:

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. Energy can best be defined as:

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. Eukaryotic cells differ from prokaryotic cells in one major respect:

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. The energy required to maintain cellular functions of all life forms ultimately comes from:

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. Proteins are made up of long chains of:

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. Genetic information for living things is stored in:

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. The function of transfer RNA is to:

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. Human beings are best categorized as:

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. Oxidation reactions in biochemistry can be recognized by:

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. Hydrophilic substances are usually soluble in:

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. In order for cells to remain highly ordered, they need a constant supply of:

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. Messenger RNA is a specialized molecule whose most important function is to:

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. The word B homeostasisB best describes:

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. Organisms that can live and function at very high temperatures include some archae called:

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