Social-emotional development in children

Quiz Content

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. When this dimension of temperament is high in an infant, he or she should be able to inhibit inappropriate behaviours.

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. All of the following are true regarding temperament, EXCEPT:

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. The unique experiences of each infant that contribute to the environmental portion of temperament and other developmental phenomenon are termed the

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. Children develop an ___ of the world as they begin socially interacting with caregivers.

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. Fourteen-month-old Elsie shows little distress when her mother leaves her with her aunt, but also shows little interest in interacting with her when she returns. Elsie's attachment style is

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. Two-year-old Brandon is always on high alert. When his mother leaves him in the care of his grandmother, he is often inconsolable, even when his mother returns to try and ease the stress of the situation. Brandon exhibits this attachment style.

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. Good evidence of the importance of peers in the United States comes from observations that adolescents engage in this activity more than anything else, besides schoolwork.

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. Infants can be characterised as high in this dimension if they are easily frustrated, sad, uncomfortable, or difficult to sooth

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. According to Rothbart (2007) some aspects of temperament are apparent

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. Children with this type of attachment typically use anger and control as their main coping strategies.

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. Research by Fuertes et al (2006) followed 48 infant-mother dyads from birth to 12 months. It was found that attachment type at 12 months was predicted by:

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. Banse (2004) examined the relationship between attachment type and marital satisfaction and found all EXCEPT:

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. This type of attachment has been found to increase the vulnerability to mental health disorders

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. The 'child care wars' refers to

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. According to research by Andersson (1996) children who had spent time in day care:

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. This term is used when talking about young children, and to refer to the effects of living full time in a hospital or orphanage

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. Experiences of severely deprived Romanian orphans provides evidence for the importance of

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. The importance of peer relationships

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. It has been suggested that friendships can compensate for poor family relationships, however this may be difficult given that

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. At this age, children will help each other, for example by reaching for objects that others cannot reach.

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. Hinde et al (1985) defined friends as children who choose to play together more than what percentage of the time?

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. According to O'Brien and Bierman (1988) younger participants in their study tended to define friendship groups _.

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. According to Coie and Dodge (1983) there are this amount of categories of sociometric status.

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. According to Bowlby and Ainsworth, the first attachment relationship is generally formed with the

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. In Mary Ainsworth's Strange Situation, the mother and her infant play alone in a room, when who enters?

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