Expanding Intellectual Horizons

Quiz Content

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. Which tradition dates from 16,000 to 11,000 years ago and placed more emphasis on bone and antler tools, including finely-made barbed harpoons and carved decorative objects?

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. The Late Stone Age and Upper Paleolithic are not generally characterized by which of the following developments?

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. The earliest evidence for dramatic technological advances and artistic development in Europe was preceded by the appearance of engraved shells, incised ochre, shell beads, and pendants during the __________________.

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. Which tradition dates from 21,000 to 16,000 years ago and is characterized byfinely made, bifacially flaked, symmetrical, leaf-shaped projectile points?

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. The Late Stone Age and Upper Paleolithic are generally characterized by which of the following developments?

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. Which tradition dates from 34,000 to 27,000 years ago and consisted of a specific set of tools that included retouched blades, engraving tools, and stone scrapers?

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. Which of the following refers to a stone tool used for engraving?

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. In what ways did Homo sapiens change after 50,000 years ago?

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. Based on the analysis of fractures on stone tools discovered in _____________, the residents appear to have developed an early version of the bow and arrow ___________ years ago.

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. The earliest, unequivocal evidence for art as symbolic expression dates from:

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. What is one of the major differences between the Middle Paleolithic and Upper Paleolithic?

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. The __________ tradition features finely made, leaf-shaped stone blades. The __________ tradition, which followed after it, emphasizes bone and antler work.

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. From when does the spear thrower date?

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. The earliest evidence for dramatic technological advances and artistic development date from the __________ in Europe.

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. The acquisition of raw materials from greater distances increased during the _________; this is a likely indication of _______.

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. Which of the following characteristics of modern humans is the most ancient, pre-dating the Late Stone Age, the Upper Paleolithic and even anatomically modern humans?

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. Why was the atlatl a useful innovation?

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. In comparison to the Middle Paleolithic, Upper Paleolithic tool technologies:

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. The large herbivores known as ________ became extinct _______.

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. Opportunistic foraging involves:

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. What is the Aztec word for a spear-throwing device developed in Europe more than 30,000 years ago?

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. What do the elaborate burials of children with finely made objects and grave goods indicate during the Upper Paleolithic period?

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. Among the earliest known artwork etched into rock has been found in _________; it has been dated to ________ years ago.

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. Which of the following refers to a design that is not painted but etched into rock?

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. Which of the following refers to paintings on the walls of a cave?

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. Venus figurines have been found mostly in __________ and generally date between _________.

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. The "Lion Man" from Hohlenstein-Stadel cave is an example of:

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. Archaeologists may infer a complex system of inherited social statuses based on which of the following?

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. Evidence for decreased child mortality, associated with the presence of older generations, can be traced back to __________ years ago; it is known as _____________.

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. The Upper Paleolithic is generally associated with:

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. A subsistence strategy and settlement pattern based on seasonality and planned acquisition of resources is known as:

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. Some of the oldest painted art in the world, including images of animals and hand stencils, was recently discovered in __________; it has been dated to as early as ________ years ago.

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. Which of the following is the best evidence for advances in human intelligence during the Upper Paleolithic?

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