The Synoptic Problem and Its Significance for Interpretation

Quiz Content

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. The Gospel of Mark begins with Jesus' birth.

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. The Gospel of Mark presents Jesus as keeping his messianic identity hidden.

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. The Pharisees are responsible for Jesus' death in the Gospel of Mark.

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. The Gospel of Mark begins with:

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. John, the forerunner of Jesus, proclaims forgiveness of sins and performs:

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. When Jesus is baptized, the Spirit of God descends on him in the shape of:

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. All of the following figures recognize Jesus in Mark except:

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. The phrase "Jesus' Passion" refers to:

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. According to Mark, the messiah must:

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. In first-century apocalyptic Judaism, the term "Son of Man" referred to:

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. At Jesus' trial in Mark, the Sanhedrin charges him with:

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. In Mark, the Temple curtain rips:

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. The Gospel of Mark was probably written around:

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