Freedom and Responsibility

Quiz Content

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. Freedom of action requires a causal break in the choice process.

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. According to "illusionism," we should tell everybody that their belief in free will is an illusion.

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. Determinism is the view that

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. "You will die on August 10, 2041, no matter what you do." This statement would be an example of

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. The problem with looking at our choices to see if they are free/uncaused is that

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. If God gave us free will, it's hard to see how God could

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. Hard determinism says that

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. Contra-causal freedom seems to imply a causal break somewhere in the choice process because

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. Quantum physics implies that

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. The impossibilist argument says that contra-causal freedom is impossible because

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. "Contra-causal freedom would be a desirable thing to have."Which of the following would be most likely to reject this statement?

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. Soft determinism involves

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