Suppliers, Competitors, and Business Ethics

Blowfield, M. 2005. Corporate Social Responsibility: reinventing the meaning of
development? International Affairs, 81(3): 515-524.
This article looks at how corporate involvement in international development has necessarily changed what development means and how it is carried out.

Clarke, T. and Boersma, M., 2017. The governance of global value chains: Unresolved human rights, environmental and ethical dilemmas in the Apple supply chain. Journal of Business Ethics, 143(1), pp.111-131.
This article examines the role and performance of Apple in Asia, examining the implications of the worlds most financially successful being unable to solve employment and environmental issues in its supply chain.

Egels-Zandén, N. 2014. Revisiting supplier compliance with MNC codes of conduct: Recoupling policy and practice at Chinese toy suppliers. Journal of Business Ethics, 119(1): 59-75.
Article showing that while it can be difficult to hold suppliers to high labour and environmental standards, it can be done and can have significant effects over time.

Freeman, D. 2003. Homeworkers in Global Supply Chains. Greener Management International, 43:107-118.
This article provides an overview of the issues surrounding homeworkers.

Heath, J. 2014. Morality, Competition and the Firm: The Market Failures Approach to Business Ethics. New York: Oxford University Press.
Book arguing that competition should be fierce, but that firms should take care not to exploit clear market failures.

Kruschwitz, N., 2013. New ways to engage employees, suppliers and competitors in CSR. MIT Sloan Management Review, 54(2), p.1.
Interview with Betsy Blaisdell, senior manager of environmental sustainability for Timberland LLC.

Mamic, I. 2004. 'Implementing Codes of Conduct: How Businesses Manage Social
Performance in Global Supply Chains'. Greenleaf Publishing: London.
This book looks at the implementation of codes in the supply chain and highlights issues specific to supply chain management.

Nicholls, A. and Opal, C. 2005. Fair Trade: Market-Driven Ethical Consumption. Sage Publications: London.
A basic overview of the mainstreaming of fair trade in the UK.

OECD 1997. OECD Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions.,2340,en_2649_34855_2017813_1_1_1_1,00.html#text
The text of the agreement by member countries for anti-corruption practices.

Olekalns, M. & Smith, P. L. 2007. Loose with the truth: Predicting deception in negotiation. Journal of Business Ethics, 76: 225-238.
The authors ask “what factors shape negotiators’ decisions to deceive the other party” given uncertainty about the interlocutor’s goals and intentions? They use a simulated, two-party negotiation experiment to answer the question.

Quarshie, A.M., Salmi, A. and Leuschner, R., 2016. Sustainability and corporate social responsibility in supply chains: The state of research in supply chain management and business ethics journals. Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, 22(2), pp.82-97.
This systematic review investigates sustainability and CSR in supply chains in both the literature on business ethics and supply chain management.

Roberts, S. 2003. Supply Chain Specific? Understanding the Patchy Success of Ethical Sourcing Initiatives. Journal of Business Ethics, 44 (2/3): 159-170.
This article provides a characterization of some ethical sourcing initiatives and the importance of reputation in their adoption.

Schleper, M.C., Blome, C. and Wuttke, D.A., 2017. The dark side of buyer power: Supplier exploitation and the role of ethical climates. Journal of Business Ethics, 140(1), pp.97-114.
This article investigates the notion of supplier exploitation, particularly relating to the role of power and ethical climate.

Xun, W. 2005. Corporate Governance and Corruption: A Cross-Country Analysis. Governance: An International Journal of Policy, Administration, and Institutions 18(2): 151-170.
This article argues that corporate governance is an important factor in determining the level of corruption within an organization. They link different corporate governance measures to levels of corruption.

Yawar, S.A. and Seuring, S., 2017. Management of social issues in supply chains: a literature review exploring social issues, actions and performance outcomes. Journal of Business Ethics, 141(3), pp.621-643.
This article takes the form of a literature review on social issues in supply chains and links social issues, responsible supply chain actions and performance actions.

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