The Badness of Death, Shelly Kagan

Quiz Content

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. Kagan addresses a puzzle about our attitudes toward death, which arises from the observation that

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. Kagan claims that most philosophers think the badness of death is

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. In Nagel’s view, death is bad because

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. Kagan describes Feldman as explaining the badness of death by noting that

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. Kagan describes Parfit as explaining the badness of death by

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. Kagan notes that Lucretius thought we were wrong to be upset about the prospect of our own deaths.

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. Kagan is primarily concerned about explaining why we have the attitudes about death that we do.

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. Kagan rejects Parfit’s hospital case as unrealistic.

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. Kagan does not claim to have solved Lucretius’s puzzle.

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. Kagan claims that both Nagel and Feldman proceed on the same mistaken assumption.

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