Chapter 10 True/False Self-Quiz (Level 2)

Quiz Content

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. The Zoroastrian population is dwindling.

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. Zoroastrianism teaches avoidance of the enjoyments of the body, regarding embodiment of spirit as a negative thing.

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. Zoroastrianism emerged from an earlier Iranian religious perspective that already was monotheistic.

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. Zarathushtra taught that Ahura Mazda ultimately will overcome evil, and that to do so he created this world.

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. Invading Christians made the practice of Zoroastrianism illegal in the seventh century.

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. Zoroastrianism is similar and may be related to other ancient religions.

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. Zarathushtra, true to his antiritual tendencies, opposed the practice of prayer.

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. Zoroastrians believe that individuals' moral behavior affects the fate of their deceased ancestors' souls.

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