Chapter 1 True/False Self-Quiz (Level 1)

Quiz Content

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. "World Religions" has been a prominent course of study in American colleges and universities for nearly a century.

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. The attempt to define religion is a relatively recent phenomenon, beginning for the most part with the European Enlightenment of the eighteenth century.

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. Karl Marx was a thoroughgoing idealist who insisted that religious ideas can cause great changes in the economy.

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. Quasi-divine figures, such as angels and demons, though difficult to categorize, are important elements of religion nonetheless.

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. According to a May 2015 Pew Forum study, 8.2 percent of people in the United States identify as atheist, agnostic, or "nothing in particular."

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. Religious cosmologies typically describe both the origin and the status of the universe.

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. Some religions, Christianity among them, teach that both revealed ethics and individual conscience work together as means of distinguishing right from wrong.

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. Experiencing transcendence does not depend upon believing in God or gods.

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. One effect of feminist theory has been to reveal contributions of women through the ages that hitherto have been largely ignored.

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