Chapter 26 Web links

Breaking down the quantitative/qualitative divide

Critical Realism

This is a site all about the philosophical perspective of critical realism. This perspective can help to frame arguments about bridging the quantitative/qualitative divide because it attempts to link both realist and interpretive ideas.

Lexical approach to data analysis

This paper, written by Richard Bolden and Jean Moscarola, focuses on the use of the lexical analysis as a tool for data analysis. They argue that lexical analysis bridges the gap between quantitative and qualitative methods of analysis because it is able to analyse data produced by each method, something which traditional qualitative data analysis tools are unable to do.

A feminist perspective

This paper, located in the Forum: Qualitative Social Research Journal, looks at the debate between quantitative and qualitative research methods from a feminist perspective. It is written by Nicole Westmarland.

Integrating quantitative and qualitative approaches

John Creswell explores how the use of both qualitative and quantitative research methods can provide a more complete picture and be integrated into a research design. From the All-American game of baseball to the gripping stories of Holocaust survivors, mixed methods research plays an important role of telling and completing the story.

Mixed methods international research association

The Mixed Methods International Research Association (MMIRA) aims to create an international community to promote interdisciplinary mixed methods research. The mission of the association is to engage with the international community to support mixed methods research, which broadly includes the following: mixing/combining/integrating quantitative and/or qualitative methods, epistemologies, axiologies, and stakeholder perspectives and standpoints.

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