Chapter 24 Web links

Archival Resource Centre

Qualidata is an archival resource centre created in the UK in 1994, and unlike other resources, such as the Data Archive, it is a website which houses and documents qualitative data into ‘public repositories’. For more information on this site and its accompanying online catalogue ‘Qualicat’, follow the link.

Transcribing your own data

Transcribing your own data takes a long time and it is a task that often seems to pop up in your To Do list at a time when your enthusiasm for your project is at a low ebb. The aim of this toolkit is to help you plan properly for transcribing, and save you time by helping you do your transcribing more efficiently.


As discussed in the main text this is the site for Qualidata based at the University of Essex. It contains various qualitative data sets that can be used for secondary analysis.

Coding qualitative research

An example of a coding journey considering background, memos, coding cycles, theorizing. It draws heavily on Johnny Saldana’s The Coding Manual for Qualitative Researchers which can be accessed here:

Grounded theory Institute

The Grounded Theory Institute is dedicated to helping people learn about authentic Grounded Theory (otherwise known as Glaserian, Classic, or Orthodox Grounded Theory). It is a place where scholars come together to aid each other in the pursuit of a better understanding of GT. From the novice to the GT teacher, there is always a deeper level of understanding possible when it comes to the procedures and the power of GT.

Techniques to identify themes

This outlines a dozen helpful techniques for discovering themes in texts. These techniques are based on: (1) an analysis of words (word repetitions, key-indigenous terms, and key-words-in contexts); (2) a careful reading of larger blocks of texts (compare and contrast, social science queries, and searching for missing information); (3) an intentional analysis of linguistic features (metaphors, transitions, connectors); and (4) the physical manipulation of texts (unmarked texts, pawing, and cut and sort procedures). The dozen methods described come from across the social sciences and have been used by positivists and interpretivists alike.



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