Chapter 01 Quiz

Quiz Content

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. Martin Luther objected to the custom of indulgences, through which

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. John Calvin is known for the idea of predestination, which holds that

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. The Jesuit order was founded by

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. The key Protestant idea that the scriptures should be available to the people in the common language, and not just Latin, was pioneered by

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. In 1550s France, a key tool in Protestant conversion was

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. The decrees of the Council of Trent did not include

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. The Swiss priest Huldrych Zwingli believed religious practice should derive from the literal text of the Bible, not Catholic interpretation, and so supported

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. Decades of religious violence in France culminated with the signing of the Edict of Nantes, which

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. The Thirty Years War was precipitated by

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. The Peasants’ War began in southern Germany in 1524 and was prompted by

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. The Scottish form of Calvinism was called

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. The Thirty Years War ended with the signing of the

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. A key provision of the Peace of Augsburg permitted

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. The Catholic response to the Reformation did not include

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. Between the early 16th and early 18th centuries, around _________ people were executed as witches.

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