Structuring Sentences for Emphasis Using Subordination

Structuring Sentences for Emphasis Using Subordination

Some subordinate clauses can be placed in multiple positions within a sentence. More specifically, clauses that begin with subordinators are usually moveable (the subordinate clause is underlined):

Louis XIV made all major governmental decisions himself because he was a hands-on king.

Because Louis XIV was a hands-on king, he made all major governmental decisions himself.

Louis XIV, because he was a hands-on king, made all major governmental decisions himself.

In contrast, clauses that begin with the relative pronouns tend to have only one correct position in a sentence:

Louis XIV was a hands-on king who made all governmental decisions himself.

NOT ALLOWEDWho made all governmental decisions himself, Louis XIV was a hands-on king.

As mentioned earlier, proficient writers often place less important information within a subordinate clause. Then, to achieve end focus, the subordinate clause is moved to the front or middle of the sentence, if possible.

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