Biological controls and integrated crop management

Quiz Content

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. Macrobials (beneficial insects), microbials (microorganisms), and biorationals (compounds of natural origin) are the three main categories of what type of control methods?

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. Why are macrobials such as predatory mites mainly used only on high value crops such as strawberries, vegetables and flowers?

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. The use of nematodes to control slugs is an example of a biopesticide that can be used in almost any crop. Why?

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. Which of the following has been used as a 'natural' insecticide since 1000BC?

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. Which of the following are not tools that farmers would use as part of integrated crop management?

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. How does Bacillus thuringiensis kill an insect?

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. Which of these is not a beneficial insect?

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. What is the source of the majority of bio-antimicrobials?

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. What is a biostimulant?

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. Bacillus thuringiensis is a widely used example of a…

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