Surveillance: traditional and emerging techniques used by plant health regulators

Quiz Content

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. The International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) states that surveillance is:

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. How many member countries belong to the European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organisation (EPPO)?

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. A delimiting survey is designed to do what?

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. What is the most common confidence level worked to in NPPO surveys?

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. Systematic sampling requires that:

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. Approximately how many hectares of potatoes are grown in the UK?

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. In the UK, what are the three categories of healthy, high quality seed potatoes?

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. What percentage of the yield of a potato crop can be lost if it is infected by Potato Ring Rot?

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. How many tubers must be tested to detect a 0.3% level of Ring Rot infection?

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. At what temperature does the number of Brown Rot bacteria cells fall below detectable levels?

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