Internet Activities 1.1 Marketing Associations

Marketing Principles and Practice

This activity will introduce you to leading professional marketing associations servicing the marketing industry around the world.

Activity Description
Visit the following websites for the professional marketing associations around the world and compare and contrast them.

Consider the following:

  1. Their establishment, history, and development over the years.
  2. Their mission and/or vision.
  3. Who are their target audiences and where do they reside?
  4. What activities do they engage in?
  5. What information is accessible from their website?
  6. What publications can you download from their website?
  7. How can you, as a student of marketing, get involved in their activities?
  8. Summarize how they support and/or service the marketing industry.
  9. Describe two insights you have obtained from visiting their websites.

The American Marketing Association, one of the largest professional associations for marketers, has 30,000 members worldwide in every area of marketing.
CIM is the world’s largest professional body of marketing, with 50,000 members worldwide.
Marketing Institute of Ireland aims to enhance professional effectiveness through the provision of insights and expert content; build the community of marketers through access to networks; and deliver professional career development to members through training and education.
Association Française du Marketing was established in 1984. It now brings together a community of about 600 individual and institutional members (companies and higher education institutions). Its mission is to stimulate, promote, and disseminate scientific knowledge in marketing.
German Marketing Association is the professional association of marketing management and the umbrella organization of 65 marketing clubs in Germany and Austria.
The European Marketing Confederation is one of Europe’s largest marketing membership organisations, representing marketing, sales and communication associations across Europe, and beyond.
Australian Marketing Institute offers a platform to advance your thinking, develop your skills, fuel your development, and fulfil your potential – so that you are equipped to take on the challenges of a changing marketplace.
Marketing Association New Zealand is the industry body for marketing. We educate, inspire and advise our community of marketing and business professionals so that together they foster the evolution of successful, market-led New Zealand businesses making a positive contribution to the New Zealand economy. Marketing Association helps you grow your business, increase your team’s marketing knowledge and safeguard your industry marketplace. Kong Institute of Marketing was founded in 1982 and is the only non-profit making and independent professional body for marketers of Hong Kong.

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