Quiz Content

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. An enumerative inductive argument can fail to be strong because the

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. An inductive argument whose conclusion contains a causal claim is known as a(n)

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. We're guilty of hasty generalization whenever we draw a conclusion about a target group based on

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. A representative sample must resemble the target group in

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. Mill's method of correlation says that when two events are correlated, they are

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. A necessary condition for the occurrence of an event is

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. A sufficient condition for the occurrence of an event is one that

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. "X percent of the observed members of group A have property P. Therefore, X percent of all members of group A probably have property P" is a pattern of reasoning known as

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. The middle point of a series of values (in which half the values are above the point and half the values are below the point) is known as the

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. A sample that is compiled by allowing survey subjects to choose themselves is known as a(n) __________ sample.

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. A modified version of Mill's Method of Agreement says that if two or more occurrences of a phenomenon have only one relevant factor in common, that factor must be the cause.

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. A necessary condition for the occurrence of an event is one without which the event could not occur.

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. Mill's method of concomitant variation says that when two events are correlated, they are rarely causally related.

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. An enumerative induction has this pattern: Thing A has properties P1, P2, P3 plus the property P4. Thing B has properties P1, P2, and P3. Therefore, thing B probably has property P4.

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. People often think "it can't be just coincidence" because they correctly judge the probabilities involved.

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. In cases in which a complete set of necessary conditions constitutes a sufficient condition for an event, we say that the conditions are individually necessary and jointly sufficient for an event to occur.

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. A strong enumerative induction cannot have false premises.

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. People are often guilty of biased sampling through a phenomenon called selective attention.

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. People are not very good at selecting things in random fashion.

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. In enumerative induction we begin with observations about some members of the group and end with a generalization about all of them.

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. In enumerative induction we begin with observations about some members of the group and end with a generalization about all of them.

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