10. How is your mind related to your body?


Some people think that a human being has two components: a physical component (the body) and a non-physical component (the mind). Others think that a human being is a purely physical system. In this chapter we discuss this controversy.


10.1 We describe some of the central questions in the philosophy of mind.

10.2 Proponents of Cartesian dualism believe that a human being has two components: a physical component (the body) and a non-physical component (the mind). In this section, we discuss this view.

10.3 Proponents of philosophical behaviorism believe that psychological claims should be analyzed in terms of patterns of behavior. In this section, we discuss this view.

10.4 Mind-brain identity theorists identify psychological states with neurophysiological states. We discuss this position in this section.

10.5 We discuss functionalism.

10.6 We return to dualism – in particular, we look at the reasons for a recent revival of dualism.

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