Elements of Sociology 4e, Practice Quiz: Chapter 01

Quiz Content

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. In which of the following countries did sociology first emerge as an academic discipline?

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. C. Wright Mills coined which of the following terms?

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. According to Karl Marx, who owns the means of production?

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. Which of the following theoretical approaches understands society as an organism in which each element of society plays its part in the maintenance of the entire social system?

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. Which of the following theoretical approaches focuses on individual actions and interactions?

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. Dr. Salinger's research on the discrimination of sexual minorities in Canadian high schools seeks to change how schools protect the rights and safety of all students. What type of sociology does Dr. Salinger pursue?

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. Higher education is an institution that provides members of society with employment-relevant skills and knowledge. In addition to receiving an education, many students meet their future spouses and lifelong friends on campus. What term would Robert Merton use to identify creation of these social networks?

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. Which of the following early sociologists examined the relationship between the Protestant ethic and the rise of capitalism?

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. Which of the following types of sociology is also referred to as the "conscience" of sociology?

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. Who was the first Canadian woman to earn a PhD in Sociology?

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. Ibn Khaldun is widely considered as the first to carry out a systematic study of sociological subjects.

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. Structural functionalism is mostly concerned with social conflict and social change.

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. According to Karl Marx, the proletariat is the class that owns the means of production.

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. The term "symbolic interactionism" was coined by Herbert Blumer.

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. Professional sociology mainly targets an audience outside the academic world.

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. The metaphor that best describes Canada's multicultural society is a "melting pot."

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. According to standpoint theory, sociology is inherently objective and free of bias.

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. Harriet Martineau was one of the earliest sociologists to examine women's roles in society from a sociological perspective.

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. Sociology as an academic discipline emerged first in North America.

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. According to Emile Durkheim, social facts are patterned ways of acting, thinking, and feeling that exist outside of any one individual but exert social control over people

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