Web links: Chapter 08

The Americas is the focus of this chapter and attention turns to the principal organization in the region with responsibility for human rights - the Organization of American States.

www.oas.org - The Organization of American States

www.corteidh.or.cr - Inter-American Court of Human Rights (partly in Spanish)

www.cidh.oas.org/DefaultE.htm - Inter-American Commission on Human Rights

www.oas.org/en/cidi/ - Inter-American Council for Integral Development

www.oas.org/en/cim/default.asp - The Inter-American Commission of Women

www.oas.org/consejo/cajp/Indigenous.asp - OAS Permanent Council Committee on Juridical and Political Affairs working group on drafting the American Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples

www.padf.org - The Pan-American Development Foundation

www.oas.org/dil/treaties_A-41_Charter_of_the_Organization_of_American_States.htm - This link goes to the text of the Charter of the Organization of American States which has implications for human rights, particularly in respect of the powers of the Commission

www.cidh.org/basicos/english/Basic3.American%20Convention.htm - This link goes to the text of the Inter-American Convention on Human Rights

www.vimeo.com/corteidh - The multimedia platform on which the audio-visual recordings of the Court’s public hearings are made available

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