Chapter 26 Quiz B with Explanations

Quiz Content

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. The Great Depression, which started in 1929, was caused by a significant decline in global lending by

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. How did imperial powers react to declining state revenues during the Great Depression?

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. How did the Great Depression often impact the family?

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. Who led opposition to the French occupation of Indochina during the 1930s?

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. In what way did governments and politicians during the 1930s often mobilize the masses to build national unity?

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. What resulted from the collectivization of farms in the Soviet Union during the 1930s?

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. How did Chinese nationalist reformers seek to improve the position of women during the 1930s?

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. Why did German leaders from the military, state bureaucracy, and industry support the rise of Hitler to power in 1933?

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. In 1935 the Nazi government passed the Nuremberg Laws, which took away the citizenship rights of

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. Which country responded to the Great Depression with programs in the 1930s that led to the creation of the modern welfare state?

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. What was the theme of Virginia Woolf's novel Three Guineas, published in 1938?

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. How did Britain and France respond to Hitler's demands for the Sudentenland region of Czechoslovakia in the fall of 1938?

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. What caused Hitler to abandon the planned invasion of Britain in the fall of 1940?

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. During World War II, the plan for the systematic elimination of European Jewry by the Nazis was called the

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. What was the policy of the U.S. government toward Americans of Japanese descent during World War II?

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. Those that fought against Nazi occupation in Europe during World War II were called

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. Why were the battles of Midway Island and Guadalcanal so crucial in the U.S. defeat of Japan during World War II?

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. Which institution made up of fifty countries emerged in 1945 to replace the League of Nations?

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. In which country did women use nonviolent tactics to oppose increased taxes by the British starting in the 1930s?

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. Which leader used a strategy called Satyagraha--truth and firmness--to protest the continued British presence in India during the 1930s?

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