Chapter 17 Quiz A with Explanations

Quiz Content

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. How did most western Africans make a living in the early modern period?

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. What acted as a deterrent to animal herding in certain sections of western Africa?

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. The economic vitality of Mali and Songhai was based on the control of gold fields along the Niger River and trade routes terminating at the city of

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. What did West African leaders see as a more important commodity than land?

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. The Songhai Empire reached its height in the early sixteenth century under the leadership of

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. What was a major source of revenue for the fifteenth-century kingdom of Benin?

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. During the early modern period, which West African people possessed a matrilineal society?

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. What was a source of political power in West Central Africa during the early modern period?

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. Starting in the fifteenth century, what goal did the Portuguese have in Africa?

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. The expansion of slavery in the sixteenth century was linked to greater demand in the Americas and

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. As the Portuguese lost control of the slave trade in West and northern West Central Africa by 1650, they began to focus the trade from their remaining bases in Angola and Kongo to

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. In the late fifteenth century, the Portuguese were successful in converting the nobility of what African kingdom?

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. What was the role of the Imbangala in the Angolan slave trade?

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. About how many slaves were sent to the Americas from West Central Africa between 1519 and 1867?

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. Which country played the most significant role in the ending of the Atlantic slave trade in the first half of the nineteenth century?

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. With an average return of ten percent for investors, the Atlantic slave trade contributed to

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. Which American plantation products were increasingly used to purchase slaves in Africa at the beginning of the eighteenth century?

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. In what type of environment do the Pygmies of West Central Africa live?

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. What contributed to Bantu and Pygmies living in closer proximity to one another after 1500?

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