Chapter 07 Quiz B with Explanations

Quiz Content

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. During the ancient period, which ecological zone supported the largest human populations?

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. The spread of the Bantu language throughout Africa closely resembles the spread of which language group in Eurasia?

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. What was the impact of the Bantu migrations on the Khoisan people?

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. What was a social consequence of Bantu women doing most of the agricultural work?

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. How have scholars been able to reconstruct early Bantu religious beliefs?

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. Why did the Olmecs build San Lorenzo and La Venta?

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. According to some historians, what may have been the source of power for Olmec rulers?

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. Which culture emerged around 8000 B.C.E. and was centered in the Yucatan Peninsula?

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. How was the Moche culture, which emerged around 200 C.E., different from the earlier Chavín culture?

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. Which climatic pattern has a significant impact on Andean cultures?

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. The earliest Andean culture to build ceremonial centers was found in what region?

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. What was the Paracas region of Peru noted for during the first millennium B.C.E.?

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. What caused the state of Moche to decline in the sixth century C.E.?

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. Which culture, located in modern Ohio, built large mounds for ceremonial purposes between 100 B.C.E. and 400 C.E.?

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. The colonization of the Pacific islands resembles the migration of what other peoples in world history?

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. Which language group do Pacific islanders belong to?

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. What is the most distinctive identifying feature of Lapita culture?

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. What led the Polynesians to abandon the use of pottery?

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. According to many scholars, why did early societies develop writing?

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. Which Greek female poet was well-known in her time?

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