Quiz Content

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. For those who have a narrow and well-defined topic, the Internet is a good place to do a literature search.

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. Many social science data sets are available on the Internet.

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. Journal articles are likely to provide the most current social science literature on a topic.

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. For literature searches, only multi-field databases such as Academic Search Premier provide a sufficient number of "hits."

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. A good way to organize your thoughts and begin writing a research report is to write a concise summary such as an abstract.

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. The "Methods" section should provide enough information that others could replicate the study that is reported.

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. The "Findings" section may include the results of manipulation checks, response rates, and tests for reliability and validity.

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. Much plagiarism appears to be unintentional.

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. In general, the longer a research report is, the better it is.

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. Among the top academic journals such as the American Sociological Review, about one in four manuscripts are initially accepted without revision.

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