Humanitarian Efforts

Quiz Content

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. Incidents or continuing problems threatening the well-being of many human beings are called

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. Which of the following is NOT based on the three fundamental principles of humanitarian policy?

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. Which of the following does NOT characterize humanitarian interventions?

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. Humanitarian sovereignty is the right to _______humanitarian interventions on their territories.

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. A high concentration of people within a region that threatens the minimum conditions to sustain a reasonable quality of life is called

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. A rapid concentration of people can often lead to the following, except

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. Violence and hardship can displace people within or across state borders in search of asylum. This phenomenon is called

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. Migrants fleeing from one country to another because of civil unrest or natural disasters are BEST termed

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. IDP stands for

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. In 2019 there were 16 peacekeeping missions worldwide. None of them took place in

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. After the dismaying experience of Biafra, a French physician started

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. In which of the following countries has the one-child policy been practiced?

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. How does the Grameen Bank operate without solid financial guarantees?

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. For realists, _____ has/have the primary responsibility for resolving humanitarian crises.

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. Humanitarianism, the principle that human beings, regardless of their origin and social status, are morally responsible to help those who suffer, is associated MOST closely with

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. Humanitarian missions will be MOST likely to fail in ____________ because the region is plagued by weak and corrupt governments and an inadequate infrastructure.

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