Environmental Issues

Quiz Content

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. Environmental policies are primarily concerned with which general types of environmental problems?

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. Contamination affects all of the following, EXCEPT

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. Depletion is the ______of essential elements of an ecosystem.

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. Which of the following is NOT a greenhouse gas?

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. Consequences of global warming include, in particular,

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. Skeptics argue that global warming is caused by

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. The massive removal or disappearance, thinning, changing, and elimination of trees, bushes, and other vegetation is called

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. Business ventures in which companies are involved in activities reducing contamination and depletion are called

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. Seeking technological solutions to environmental problems is known as

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. Sustainable development is a comprehensive policy stimulating economic growth and ____at the same time.

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. What is the main obstacle facing countries in trying to combat climate change?

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. Who or what organization received the Nobel Peace Prize for environmental efforts?

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. Which environmental approach challenges the Gaia theory?

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. Overall, which type of political party is MOST likely to support environmental protection measures?

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. Greenpeace

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