Self-Quiz 4.1: Kwame Anthony Appiah, What Will Future Generations Condemn Us For?

Moral Problems

Quiz Content

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Which of the following is not one of Appiah's indicators that a practice will be condemned in the future?

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Appiah points out that more than half of prisoners in the United States are

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Jeremy Bentham famously maintained that, when it comes to our treatment of animals, which of the following is the key question?

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Which of the following does Appiah cite as a problematic feature of feedlots in the United States?

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Which of the following is not one of Appiah's concerns about treatment of the elderly?

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A "transgenerational obligation" is an obligation

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How much of the earth's surface is threatened by desertification?

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Which of the following is not cited by Appiah as an example of an immoral practice that was previously condoned by society?

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