Hunting, Gathering, Foraging, Farming, and Complexity

Quiz Content

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. For most of our existence, Homo sapiens has survived by:

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. Hunter-gatherer-foragers are and have been:

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. Residues from stone tools in Russia and the Czech Republic reveal that people were making basic flour as early as:

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. Domestication of plants and animals is the equivalent of:

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. In the Old World, changing climate at the end of the Pleistocene made the world:

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. The Natufian period (13,000 - 9600 cal BC) was a time when deserts:

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. Early Natufians at sites like 'Ain Mallaha were able to establish villages because of:

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. According to Chapter 5, where were cattle domesticated?

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. In the Levant, the earliest part of the Neolithic is the:

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. Domestication of plants and animals occurred:

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. The Hostile Pleistocene theory suggests that:

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. The theory suggesting that environmental changes in the late Pleistocene led to clustering of people, plants, and animals-with close association leading to revolutionary change-is called the:

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. Increasing population size and density-which might have led to agricultural innovation-is known as:

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. Egalitarian societies are:

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. What is NOT true of state-level societies?

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