Quiz Content

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. Within the Vedas, philosophical reflections on Vedic myths, hymns, and rituals are found primarily in the

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. Because the self is that which perceives the whole world, the Brhadaranyaka Upanisad claims that the self

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. The doctrine of karma fundamentally holds that when people perform good actions,

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. The Buddha thought that we have attachments to things because, fundamentally,

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. To refute the idea that there is a self who is an autonomous author of one's actions, the Buddha cites the doctrine of

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. When an enlightened person achieves the first stage of nirvana, that person

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. Having failed to identify Nagasena with any of his body parts or any of the five skandhas, King Milinda initially thinks that

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. The role of particularity (visesa) in the Vaisesika system is to

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. Which of the following is not a genuine source of knowledge (pramana), according to Nyaya?

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