Nucleic Acids

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. The DNA of females contains two X chromosomes, while males function with only one. It is believed that if both X chromosomes were functioning, their action would cause a metabolic catastrophe. This is avoided by:

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. Under viral attack as well as due to aging, cells occasionally must undergo programmed cellular death known as:

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. In order for an RNA virus such as HIV to direct synthesis of new viral RNA, it must first direct synthesis of DNA. In order to do this, the virus must violate the central dogma by using an enzyme called:

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. One striking difference between the eukaryotic DNA and that of prokaryotes:

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. Before translation, the introns must be removed from mRNA and the exons spliced together. This is done by spliceosomes, which are made up of snRNAs and:

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. Nitrites are among the most effective antibacterial agents for preserving meat, but may be dangerous due to:

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. All mitochondrial DNA comes from our:

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. The least abundant form of RNA in the cell is:

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. Synthesis of DNA is called:

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. During replication, DNA strands separate, causing supercoiling. These supercoils are removed by:

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. DNA and RNA differ in important ways. Some ways which make RNA special are:

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. Conventional cellular DNA differs from that of mitochondria and chloroplasts in that:

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. The molecular weight of DNA is high, as much as a billion amu. In contrast, the molecular weights of RNA are low, perhaps around 25,000 amu. About 1% of the dry weight of the cell is DNA, and about 5% of the weight is RNA. From these numbers, we can conclude that:

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. In DNA, a guanine base on one strand pairs with another base on the complementary strand. Which one?

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. The DNA of prokaryotes is attached to a protein core, forming a nucleoid. In eukaryotes, the DNA forms chromatin by complexing with:

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. The central dogma of biochemistry states that:

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. Major structural differences between RNA and DNA include:

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. Frederick Sanger won two Nobel prizes, one for a method to determine the sequence of proteins and another for a procedure to determine the sequence of:

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. Chargaff's rules state that:

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. For some time, nucleic acid chemists have pondered the fact that most cells contain identical DNA, and yet, liver cells become liver cells, brain cells become brain cells, and all seem to begin with stem cells. In order to differentiate into specific and different cell types, the cells undergo a control process called:

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. A number of guilty parties have been sent to jail and others who were unjustly accused have been exonerated as a result of DNA fingerprinting. This analysis requires fairly large amounts of DNA, and crime scenes often contain only a small amount. Even tiny amounts of DNA may be increased to usable amounts by:

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. Forensic techniques once relied on analysis of restriction fragment length polymorphisms, but more recently has come to depend upon:

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. The melting temperature of a nucleic acid:

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