Integration of Metabolism

Quiz Content

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. Growth factors differ from hormones in that:

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. In steady-state metabolism:

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. Among metabolic effects one might expect to observe if glucagon production were stopped would be:

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. Which of the following has the opposite effect of insulin?

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. Kwashiorkor, a disease of protein starvation, often causes its victims to appear bloated due to decreased osmotic pressure of blood plasma, allowing an edema or swelling to form as fluid moves out of the capillaries into the interstitial spaces. The osmotic pressure of plasma decreases due to:

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. Metabolic syndrome, with its associated obesity, hypertension and dyslipidemia, results from insulin resistance. The insulin resistance, in turn, is related to:

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. Patients suffering insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus are treated with injections of insulin rather than with oral insulin because:

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. Both diabetes and starvation often result in symptoms of acidosis. This is due to:

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. Unlike paracrine hormones, endocrine hormones:

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. Brain tissue normally consumes glucose, but when glucose levels are low, nervous tissue can also consume:

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. The hormone you'd expect to be most like an illegal drug in action is:

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. Unlike water-soluble hormones, steroid hormones act by:

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. Symptoms of diabetes mellitus include:

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. What organ carries out the following functions: filtration of blood to remove wastes and toxic substances, and regulation of body water content and pH?

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. Refer to Figure 16.1 and select one molecule which appears to be at the center of metabolic activity.

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. The central neural circuits controlling appetite are found in the:

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. Peptide hormones which bind to G-protein-coupled receptors stimulate the activity of adenyl cyclase, producing a second messenger called:

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. Old-time biochemists are fond of saying, "Fat burns in the flame of carbohydrate." By this, they meant:

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. The major effect of adiponectin is to:

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. The hormone secreted in response to suckling during breast feeding is called:

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. The type of hormones secreted by macrophages within adipose tissue and by adipocytes themselves are called:

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. Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus is treated with oral hypoglycemic agents in order to:

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