Quiz Content

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1. Which of the following is not a part of the "iron triangle"€?

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. 2. Ida B. Wells-Barnett was a(n)

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. 3. Federalist No. 10. was written by

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4. Madison's concern regarding factions was based on the idea that factions could become

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. 5. Dahl published the six tenets of pluralism in

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. 6. Interest groups are most directly connected to the theory of

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. 7. ________ is not a subcategory of _______ interest groups

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. 8. ________ is not a subcategory of ________ interest groups.

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. 9. When did the American Medical Association (AMA) officially apologize for excluding Black physicians from membership in the group, restricting the opportunities for the education of Black physicians, and engaging in many other forms of discrimination against these doctors?

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10. When did Congress pass the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act?

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. 11. The National Organization for Women (NOW), which is the largest feminist organization in the United States, was established in

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. 12. The Cato Institute and the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) are both ___________ interest groups.

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. 13. When did the Supreme Court rule in Citizens United v. Federal Elections Commission that corporations are equivalent to people and that they may express free speech through unlimited political funds?

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. 14. Which of the following is a technique used by interest groups?

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. 15. Racial and ethnic minority interest groups often have ________ resources compared to relatively similar interest groups.

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