Research Insights 1.1 The Concept of the Marketing Mix

Research Insights 1.1 The Concept of the Marketing Mix

Marketing Principles and Practice

Source: Borden, N. H. (1964), ‘The concept of the marketing mix’, Journal of Advertising Research, 4, 2–7.


Discusses the concept of marketing mix and its importance for marketers and marketing managers. Information on professor James Culliton's study of manufacturers' marketing costs; Discussion of the author's book "The Economic Effects of Advertising," in which he focused on the utilization of advertising by business; Outline of forces which govern the mixing of marketing elements.

Insight: This easy-to-read early article explains how marketing managers act as ‘mixers of ingredients’ when developing marketing programmes. The marketing mix, popularized as the 4Ps, remains popular today, although the advent of relationship marketing challenged the impersonal notion of marketers as manipulators of marketing policies, and focused more on the need to develop long-term interpersonal relationships with customers.

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