Chapter 11 Key facts checklists

Chapter 11 Key facts checklists

Continuity of employment and TUPE
  • An employee's period of continuous employment begins on the day on which the employee starts work.
  • Any week during the whole or part of which an employee's relations with his employer are governed by a contract of employment counts towards continuity of employment.
  • The Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations 2006 (TUPE) (SI 2006/246) took effect in 2006 and were amended in 2014. They implemented the Acquired Rights Directive (2001/23/EC) in the UK. The original Directive dates from 1977 and it was implemented in the UK by Regulations originally dating from 1981.
  • A relevant transfer takes place, first, where there is a transfer of an economic entity that retains its identity, and, secondly, where there is a service provision change.
  • Regulation 4(1) TUPE provides that, except where an objection is made, a relevant transfer shall not operate to terminate any contract of employment of any person employed by the transferor for a reason connected to the transfer.
  • The Regulations ensure that an individual's contract of employment will transfer from the transferor employer to the transferee employer when a relevant transfer takes place.
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