Chapter 10 Key facts checklists

Chapter 10 Key facts checklists

  • A person can be guilty of an offence for participating in a crime as an accessory to the offence.
  • Accessories are those who aid, abet, counsel, or procure the commission of the principal offence or who are part of unlawful joint enterprise (joint venture) with the principal offender. Such accessories (referred to in this chapter as A) are charged as if they committed the crime themselves.
  • Although the accessories are charged as principals, the actus reus and mens rea requirements of the accessories are different.
  • The process of identifying the principal offence is vital because the liability of the other participants derives from the offence the principal has committed.
  • The doctrine of vicarious liability has a (limited) role in the criminal law and is another way a person can be guilty of a crime committed by another person.
  • A corporation is a legal person, so criminal liability can be imposed on a corporation for many (although not all) crimes.
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